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What's New

2024.6.4 Publication page updated.
2024.4.15 Our group photo updated.
2024.4.15 Member page updated.
2024.2.27 Publication page updated.
2023.12.11 The Nikkei Shimbun (6 Dec) and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (8 Dec) published research by Masahiro Takahashi et al.
2023.12.6 Publication page updated.
2023.10.30 Member page updated.
2023.10.6 Publication page updated.
2023.8.8 A paper submitted to J.Phys.Soc.Jpn by Masayuki Sugata and Associate Professor Mizushima et al. has been published in JPSJ New Comments.
2023.5.25 A paper submitted to J.Phys.Soc.Jpn by Masayuki Sugata and Associate Professor Mizushima et al. was accepted for publication in JPSJ Editors' Choices and Hot Topics, and was also among The Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles in April.
2023.5.1 Publication page updated.
2023.4.10 Our group photo updated.
2023.4.7 Publication page updated.
2023.4.3 Member page updated.
2023.2.10 Publication page updated.
2022.12.1 Publication page updated.
2022.9.5 Publication page updated.
2022.7.28 Publication page updated.
2022.6.15 Publication page updated.
2022.6.1 Publication page updated.
2022.4.26 Publication page updated.
2022.4.25 Publication page updated.
2022.4.12 Member page updated.
2022.3.30 Publication page updated.
2022.3.9 SU(N) physics in condensed matter and cold atoms is to be held at May 9-13, 2022.
2022.3.9 Publication page updated.
2021.12.31 Publication page updated.
2021.10.13 Publication page updated.
2021.7.20 Publication page updated.
2021.6.8 Publication page updated.
2021.6.4 Publication page updated.
2021.5.8 Publication page updated.
2021.4.17 Member page updated.
2021.4.17 Our group photo updated.
2021.2.17 Publication page updated.
2021.2.15 Publication page updated.
2021.2.12 Publication page updated.
2021.1.5 Publication page updated.
2020.12.7 Publication page updated.
2020.12.4 Publication page updated.
2020.11.6 Publication page updated.
2020.10.27 Our group photos updated.
2020.10.15 Publication page updated.
2020.7.23 Publication page updated.
2020.5.11 Member page updated.
2020.2.29 Publication page updated.
2019.4.10 Member page updated.
2018.4.25 Publication page updated.
2018.4.18 Member page updated.
2018.1.10 Professor Fujimoto was elected as an Outstanding Referee of APS.
2014.4.1 Our page renewed.